Zig Package Repository


Collecting all the packages of all Ziguanity

zig (14) software (29) network (10)

Table of Contents
  1. The Repository
  2. The Frontend
  3. Links

Ain’t nobody got time for searching all the stuff themselves!

Select anchorThe Repository

This project was one of the first attempts to provide a package index for the Zig programming language.

It is based on a GitHub repository that collects small JSON files like this:

  "author": "xq",
  "tags": [ "os" ],
  "git": "https://github.com/MasterQ32/zig-args",
  "root_file": "/args.zig",
  "description": "Simple-to-use argument parser with struct-based config",
  "license": "mit",
  "updated_at": "2023-04-07T23:54:58Z",
  "homepage": null

which then can be queried via a web api for other applications to consume.

Select anchorThe Frontend

Screenshot of a website that views tiles with package names and some metadata.

Another part of the project is the web frontend hosted at zig.pm, which allows you to search for packages, and also view details and, if present, their readme file.

Screenshot of a website that views the readme of zig args and other info

The web frontend is also hosted at GitHub and was primarily designed by Auguste Rame and is hosted on this server.

Select anchorLinks