Ketchup Steak Roast


The perfect party meal. Can be prepared days ahead and only requires a single action on party day.

roast (2) pork (4)

Table of Contents
  1. Ingredients
  2. Tools
  3. Steps

This dish is a pretty simple, but effective party dinner. It’s easy to prepare, can scale up to basically an arbitrary amount of people, and also tastes awesome.

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Preparing time: 1h + over night + 2h cooking

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  1. Rub steaks with mustard,salt,pepper,paprika powder
  2. Slice bell pepper and belly into medium size slices (2cm×2cm or something)
  3. Grease dish
  4. Layer steaks, pork belly slices, pepper slices, a bit of ketchup in this order into the pan until full
  5. If pan is 90% full, fill pan with ketchup until everything is covered
  6. Let pan rest over night in the fridge
  7. Put pan at 200°C for 2h in the oven, with lid closed. If no lid preset, use tinfoil with a bit of greasing
  8. Eat!